Instruction Manual
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG
5-4-3-4-1-3 Analog Output Signal Scaling Setup
Dual channel instrument:
Optional gas component selection menu -
Select the component to be setup
5-4 Menu System - Analog Output Setup Menu
Analog output..
Use this menu to setup the analog out scaling :
In the upper line enter the gas concentration to
create a 0 mA or 4 mA output.
In the lower line enter the gas concentration to
create a 20 mA output.
This allows to limit the upper output signal
range to a concentration level less than full
Selecting values within the range limits given
by the RANGE INFO menu ( page 5-60)
and the nameplate label ( 2-3, page 2-13)
ensures that the analog output is always within
the measurement specifications (e.g. linearity
< 1% of full scale; 3-4, page 3-17),
as long as the lower output (0/4 mA)
is assigned to zero (0).
Assigning other concentrations than zero (0)
to the lower output (0/4 mA) always affects the
measurement accuracy!
Dual channel instrument:
Pressing the key while any line is selected
returns to the optional gas component selec-
tion menu to open the same menu for the
other measuring channel.
0/4mA: 0.0000 ppm
20mA: 1000.0 ppm
Range specification:
CO: FS 400 ... 1000 ppm
When assigning the "0/4 mA" signal to 0 ppm
and the "20 mA" output signal to values
between 400 and 1000 ppm, the analog output
accuracy is always within the measurement
specifications .
Factory setting is always
• 0/4 mA correspond to 0 ppm
• 20 mA correspond to the highest range
(here: 1000 ppm)