Instruction Manual
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG
5-2 User Interface
LEFT key:
Mode Function
Measure Exit measuring screen
Browse One page/level back in menu tree
Edit - Shift cursor on the input field
- Leave Component Selection
- Abort editing an enumerated
RIGHT key:
Mode Function
Measure Exit measuring screen
Browse - Enter submenu in lines ending ..
- show next menu page for menu
pages with
in the 4
Edit Shift cursor on the input field
5-2-3-1 Magnetically Operated Front Panel
Fig. 5-2: X-STREAM magnetic tool
As mentioned the X-STREAM field housing
provides an impact protected front panel, to be
operated by a magnetic tool. This tool utilizes
two magnets to activate the keys (sensors). To
ensure that only the desired key is activated it
is required to align the magnets specific for
each key:
For activating the LEFT/RIGHT keys hold the
tool so that the magnets are horizontally in front
of the glass, for the UP/DOWN keys the
magnets need to be vertical.
The HOME/ENTER keys require a horizontal
orientation (represented by horizontal ellipses
surrounding the key symbols).
horizontal versus vertical orientation