Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG6-16
Instruction Manual
• Setting "HIGH" and "HIGH-HIGH" alarms
Standard mode:
If an alarm is activated, the corresponding
alarm outputs a "High" level signal.
• Level 1 > level 2
• Level 1 function: High
• Level 2 function: High
As long as any alarm is activated a status
message appears in the measuring screen's
Fail-safe mode:
If an alarm is activated, the corresponding
alarm outputs a "Low" level signal.
• Level 1 > level 2
• Level 1 function: High FS
• Level 2 function: High FS
Fig. 6-2: HIGH and HIGH-HIGH alarm mode
6-2 Checking the Instrument's Setup
Setting one threshold above the allowed level
and the second threshold above the first thres-
hold (fig. 6-2) results in an operation mode
which gives a prealarm ("HIGH alarm") when
the current concentration exceeds the "high"
threshold (area "B"). Also, a main alarm
("HIGH-HIGH alarm") is activated if no correc-
tive action was performed and the current
concentration exceeds the "high-high"
threshold (area "C").
Up to two alarms can be activated at a time for
each channel!