
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG7-34
Instruction Manual
7-3 Calibration Procedures
Now perform a calibration considering the
following procedure (only possible by manual
1. Zero cal both channels
2. Span cal channel 1 with pure span gas
3. Span cal channel 2 with pure span gas
4. Span cal channel 1 once more with pure
span gas.
What happens?
After having zero calibrated both channels, the
analyzer span cals the first channel and
calculates the interference of span gas 1 into
channel 2.
The next step span calibrates channel 2,
already considering the influence of span gas
1. At the same time the analyzer calculates the
interference of span gas 2 on channel 1.
Performing step 4 recalibrates channel 1 taking
into account the inference of span gas 2 on
channel 1 (that was not considered in step 1).
When step 4 has finished, the @ SPAN CAL
parameter is automatically reset to No.
For considering the calculated effects of cross
interference during all future measurements and
calibrations ensure the STATUS parameter is
Pure span gases are not longer required and
for cost saving reasons may now be replaced
by standard span gases.