
Instruction Manual
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG
It‘s better to apply "parallel" wiring at
which each single load is supplied by a
separate connection starting from a
distribution point: Both "+" and "-" wire of
any load are run together, starting at the
point of distribution and ending at the load
(see fig. 4-30). The effect of minimizing
disturbances is intensified when using
twisted pair cables.
Point of distribution
Run wires for one load
in parallel as long as
even practicable
(drill if possible)
Fig. 4-30: Running Supply Lines "Parallel”
4-5-4 Driving High Current Loads
Loads with currents exceeding the rated
currents specified for X-STREAM series
analyzers outputs (>30 mA / > 1 A) must not
be driven directly by digital or relay outputs.
Driving such loads requires external relays
acting as decoupling devices: The X-
STREAM output drives the external relay, which
itself drives the load.
It is recommended to use separate supplies
for analyzer and high current loads to minimize
interferences (fig. 4-31).
As described before using suppressor diodes
for inductive loads is strongly recommended!
Fig. 4-31: Driving High Current Loads
External relay
Analyzer output
4-5 Installation - Hints on Wiring