--:- auxiliary_ports cli-> show
Device Name: ttyM1
status = disabled
speed = 38400
init_chat = "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\dATZ OK
ppp_address = no_address
ppp_authentication = none
chap-interval = 0
chap-max-challenge = 10
chap-restart = 3
ppp_idle_timeout = 0
--:- auxiliary_ports cli->set status=enabled
--:- auxiliary_ports cli->commit
Appliance without an internal modem:
If no internal modem is installed, the port name is ttya1.
Enter the commands: set_dial-in or set_power to configure the auxiliary port.
--:- / cli-> cd ports/auxiliary_ports/
--:- auxiliary_ports cli-> show
Port Device Status Profile
===== ====== ======== ============
ttyA1 ttyA1 disabled unconfigured
Type ls to see availables sub-nodes.
--:- auxiliary_ports cli->
Pluggable Devices
Enter cd pluggable_devices to navigate to the pluggable_devices level.
--:- / cli-> cd pluggable_devices
Pluggable Devices Navigation Tree
Table 4.15: Pluggable Devices Options
44 Cyclades™ ACS6000 Advanced Console Server Command Reference Guide