ts_menu options
-u <user> [-l] [-ro] <console port>
Parameter Description
-u <user>
Invokests_menu asthe user named by<user>. Thisrequiresa password to be
entered. The user onlyhas accessto authorized serialports.
Generatesa list ofportsthe user can access. Port aliasesare shown if defined.
Invokests_menu in read-onlymode. You mayconnect inread-onlymode to anyport
you have accessto.
If issued, producesa directconnection tothat port. If you haveno accessrightsto the
port or if theport doesnot exist, the application returns aconsolenot found message
and terminates. The console port maybe the port aliasor the port number.
DisplayTCP port.
DisplayLocalIP assigned to the serialport.
-u <name>
Username to be used inSSH/Telnet or Raw command.
-e <[^]char>
Escape character used to close the target session. The default escape character is
Table 3.3: ts_menu Parameters
To close the target session:
1. Enter the escape character shown when you connect to the port.
2. The menu with ports is displayed.
3. Select the exit option to return to the shell prompt.
Manage Power for a Device Connected to an Outlet on a PDU
See cycle, on, off, lock and unlock on page 15 for how an administrator or any authorized user
can manage power on PDU outlets when the PDU is connected to a port that is enabled and
configured with the Power Profile.
Port Configuration Examples
The following examples show how an administrator can configure a port when a device
console is connected, assign the CAS profile, configure a port that is connected to a PDU and
assign the Power Profile.
Chapter 3: Port Access and Configuration Examples 25