status = enabled
speed = 9600
parity = none
data_bits = 8
stop_bits = 1
flow_control = none
Type ls to see availables sub-nodes.
--:#- [serial_ports/physical] cli-> ls
Type show to see the content of the page.
--:#- [serial_ports/physical] cli->save
--:- serial_ports cli->
To copy the configuration from serial port 5 to ports 10 and 15:
--:- serial_ports cli-> clone_ports 5
--:#- [serial_ports] cli-> show
Copy configuration from: 5
copy_configuration_to =
--:#- [serial_ports] cli-> set copy_configuration_to=10,15
--:#- [serial_ports] cli-> save
--:- serial_ports cli->
Auxiliary ports
Enter cd ports/auxiliary_ports to navigate to the auxiliary ports level.
--:-cli-> cd /ports/auxiliary_ports/
If an internal modem is factory installed, the only available serial_profile option is Dial-in. If an
internal modem is not installed, either an external modem or a PDU can be connected to the
port and a second serial_profile option, Power, is available.
Appliance with an internal modem
When an internal modem is factory installed, the port name is ttym1. To enable the internal
--:-cli-> cd /ports/auxiliary_ports/
Chapter 4: CLI Overview for Administrators 43