56 Chapter 4 Setting Up User Accounts
A Windows user account that is not stored in the PDC server’s LDAP directory can be
used to access other services. For example, Mac OS X Server can authenticate users
with accounts in the server’s local directory domain for the server’s Windows file
Mac OS X Server also authenticates users with accounts on other directory systems,
such as an Open Directory master on another Mac OS X Server system, or Active
Directory on a Windows server.
For complete information about the different kinds of directory domains, see Open
Directory Administration.
Predefined User Accounts
The following table describes user accounts that are created when you install Mac OS X
Server (unless otherwise indicated). For a complete list, open Workgroup Manager and
choose View > Show System Users and Groups.
Predefined user name Short name User ID Use
MySQL Server mysql 74 The user that the MySQL database server uses for
its processes that handle requests.
sshd Privilege
sshd 75 The user for the sshd child processes that process
network data.
System Administrator root 0 A user with no protections or restrictions.
System Services daemon 1 A legacy UNIX user.
Unknown User unknown 99 A user with no login or password. When files or
volumes have no real owner, they are assigned
unknown as their owner.
Unprivileged User nobody -2 This user was originally created so system services
didn’t need to run as System Administrator. Now
service-specific users such as World Wide Web
Server are often used for this purpose.
World Wide Web Server www 70 The nonprivileged user that Apache uses for its
processes that handle requests.