270 Index
command-line tools 103, 123
My Applications 177
synchronization of 210, 212
System 169, 171
See also group folders; home folders
Front Row 165, 168
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) service 215
full name. See long name
GID (group ID) 27, 96
globally unique identifier. See GUID
group accounts
creating 91, 93
deleting 95
editing 51, 92
exporting 254
finding 90
group ID 27, 96
importing 253
login picture 97
member settings 89, 99
naming 66, 95
Open Directory 90
overview 25, 89
predefined 90, 251
presets 50, 92
read-only 94
search policies 98
web services 98
Windows 90, 99
See also groups
group folders
access control 153
definition 25, 148
preferences 175
server requirements 36
settings 100, 101, 103
share points 101, 199
Windows users 101
group ID. See GID
access control 28, 103, 153, 199
adding users 78, 99
admin group 23
administrator 90, 91
finding 50
folder settings 100, 101, 103
hierarchical 25, 93, 94, 99, 109, 159
legacy 94
membership 77, 78, 79
naming 95
permissions 77, 91
preferences 157, 162
primary 28, 77, 89
removing users 79, 100
sorting 50
See also computer groups
Groups folder 101
guest accounts
AFP access 117
creating 59
definition 24
login options 192
mobile 141
permissions 59
share point access 117
guest computers 26, 107
GUID (globally unique identifier) 27, 28, 87, 252
helper applications 168
hierarchical groups
computers 109
preferences management 159
users 25, 93, 94, 99
home folders
creating 122
customizing 124
default 130
deleting 130
disk quotas for 129, 130
distributing across servers 115
Dock preferences 177
hosting for clients 114
local user 36, 122
login controls 198
management of 121
mobile accounts 37, 121, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138,
152, 202, 204, 205, 207
moving 130
naming 64, 114, 128
network 36, 114, 123, 148, 198
no home folder status 121
overview 113
portable home directories 37, 132
securing 38, 144, 205
server requirements 36
setup 36, 37, 79
share points 32, 79, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 123,
synchronization 152
troubleshooting 245, 246
users 36, 37, 87, 152
Windows users 87, 114, 120, 127, 130
hosts. See servers
hybrid computer group 108
iCal service 72