46 Chapter 3 Getting Started with Workgroup Manager
Finding and Listing Accounts
Workgroup Manager provides several methods for finding and listing user accounts,
group accounts, computer accounts, and computer groups.
Working with Account Lists in Workgroup Manager
In Workgroup Manager, user accounts, group accounts, computer accounts, and
computer groups are listed on the left side of the Workgroup Manager window.
The following settings influence the contents and appearance of the list:
 Workgroup Manager preferences control the maximum number of records shown
and whether you want to enable the Inspector (which allows you to view or edit raw
directory data). To set up Workgroup Manager preferences, choose Workgroup
Manager > Preferences.
 The list reflects the directory you’ve chosen from the globe icon. If you connect to
the directory server, the accounts in the parent directory domain are listed. If you do
not connect to the directory server, local accounts are listed.
The listed domains are the local directory domain, all directory domains in the
server’s search policy, and all available directory domains (domains the server is
configured to access, even if not in the search policy). For instructions on configuring
a server to access directory domains, see Open Directory Administration.
After you choose directory domains, all accounts residing in those domains are listed.
 You can list users, groups, computers or computer groups by clicking the Users,
Groups, Computers, or Computer Groups buttons above the search filter.
 To sort a list, click a column heading. An arrow shows the sort order (ascending or
descending), which you can reverse by clicking the column heading again.
 You can search for specific items in the list by typing in the field above the accounts
list. To choose the search criteria, use the Search (magnifying glass) pop-up menu.
To work with accounts, select them. Settings for the selected accounts appear in the
pane to the right of the list. Available settings vary, depending on which pane you’re
Listing Accounts in the Local Directory Domain
When you list accounts in the local directory domain, you list all local accounts. These
local accounts can only be accessed by users of the local computer or server, not by
users of client computers.
Services and programs running on a server can access the server’s local directory
domain. Programs running on a client computer, such as the client computer’s login
window, can’t access the server’s local directory domain.
If a server hosts file services, users with accounts from the server’s local directory
domain can authenticate with the file services.