190 Chapter 10 Managing Preferences
The directory administrator account is considered a network account, and is therefore
hidden when you don’t show network users. Another way to hide this account would
be to set the directory administrator account’s user ID to below 100. For more
information, see “Modifying User IDs” on page 67.
You can customize the login window to suit your needs.
For example, to test a computer’s ability to access the directory domain you could
change the heading to Directory status and display a list of network users.
Or, to prevent unauthorized access, you could create a warning message, display the
name and password fields (forcing intruders to know a user’s name and password), and
disable showing the Restart and Shut Down buttons (to help prevent intruders from
bypassing the login window).
To change the appearance of the Login Window:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences.
2 Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock
and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3 Select one or more computers or computer groups.
4 Click Login and then click Window.
5 Set the management setting to Always.
6 To change the default heading, choose a heading from the Heading pop-up menu.
Users can view other headings by clicking the heading in the login window.
7 To display a message below the login window’s heading, enter a message in Message.
8 To require the user to enter his or her user name and password, select “Name and
password text fields.”
9 To allow a user to select his or her name from a list, select “List of users able to use
these computers.”
10 Select categories of users you want to display in the list.
Show mobile accounts 10.5 Lists mobile accounts with a local home folder
and external accounts
Show network users 10.4 and 10.5 Lists network accounts and mobile accounts
without a local home folder
Show computer administrators 10.4 and 10.5 Lists local system administrators
Show “Other...” 10.4 and 10.5 Displays name and password text fields,
allowing the user to authenticate with a local
or network-based account
List setting Mac OS X version Effect