Chapter 11 Solving Problems 247
 If the drive letter chosen for the user might be conflicting with a drive letter in use
on the Windows workstation, change the drive letter setting in the Windows pane of
Workgroup Manager or change the mappings of other drive letters on the
Solving Preference Management Problems
This section describes problems you might encounter while using Workgroup Manager
to set up accounts or manage Mac OS X clients. It also provides troubleshooting tips
and possible solutions.
If your problem is not addressed here, check Workgroup Manager Help or consult the
Apple Service & Support website (www.apple.com/support/).
Testing Your Managed Client Settings
If your managed computers use Mac OS X v10.5 or later, you can view managed
settings in System Profiler on the computers.
Settings are organized by preference. For example, all managed Finder settings are
listed in com.apple.finder.
To view managed client settings in System Profiler:
1 On a client computer, open System Profiler.
2 Open the Software disclosure triangle and then choose Managed Client.
If Users Don’t See a List of Workgroups at Login
If a user with a network account doesn’t see a list of workgroups at login:
 The user may not be in a group or may be in only one group. Hold down the Option
key during login to show the list of workgroups.
 The user’s computer may not have its login preferences managed. In the Access pane
of login preferences, select “Always show workgroup dialog during login.” This
preference is only available for clients with Mac OS X v10.5 or later.
Your client computers must use Mac OS X v10.4 or later to select from workgroups. For
more information about how to set login window access settings, see “Customizing the
Workgroups Displayed at Login” on page 193.
If Users Can’t Open Files
Ordinarily, when users double-click a file in the Finder, or choose a file to open from the
File menu in Finder, an appropriate default application opens the file for them. If the
user is in a managed environment, this method might not always work.