168 Chapter 10 Managing Preferences
8 To prevent users from opening specific widgets, select the widget and click the
Remove (–) button.
9 Click Apply Now.
Disabling Front Row
With Workgroup Manager, you can disable Front Row.
To disable Front Row:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences.
2 Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock
and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3 Select one or more users, groups, computers, or computer groups.
4 Click Applications and then click Front Row.
5 Set the management setting to Always.
6 Deselect Allow Front Row.
7 Click Apply Now.
Allowing Legacy Users to Open Specific Applications and Folders
To control user access to applications in Mac OS X v10.4 or earlier, you either:
 Provide access to a set of “approved” applications that users can open
 Prevent users from opening a set of “unapproved” applications
You can also set additional options to further control user access to applications.
When users have access to local volumes, they can access applications on the
computer’s local hard disk. If you don’t want to allow this, you can disable local volume
Applications use helper applications for tasks they can’t complete independently. For
example, if a user tries to open a web link in a mail message, the mail application might
need to open a web browser to display the webpage.
Disallowing helper applications improves security because an application can
designate any other application as a helper application. However, you may want to
include common helper applications in the approved applications list. This avoids
problems such as users being unable to open and view mail content or attached files.
Occasionally, applications or the operating system might require the use of UNIX tools,
such as QuickTime Image Converter. These tools can’t be accessed directly, and
generally operate in the background without the user’s knowledge. If you disallow
access to UNIX tools, some applications may not work.