4 Operating the Power System
72 Series N6700 User’s Guide
To select a window function, use:
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select Measure\Window.
Then select either Rectangular or
Hanning and press Select.
To set the sense window to Hanning
for output 1 use:
Retrieve Measurement Array Data
Array queries return all values in the voltage and current
measurement buffer. No averaging is applied, only raw data is
returned from the buffer. The following commands initiate and
trigger a measurement and return the measurement array:
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Not Available
Once a measurement finishes, you may wish to retrieve the array
data without initiating a new measurement. Use FETCh queries to
return the array data from the last measurement. Fetch queries do
not alter the data in the measurement buffer. The commands are:
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Not Available
If a FETCh query is sent before the measurement is started or before
it is finished, the response will be delayed until the measurement
trigger occurs and the acquisition completes. This may tie up the
computer if the measurement trigger does not occur immediately.
Synchronizing Digitizer Measurements
Use the measurement trigger system to synchronize the acquisition of
measurements with a Bus, Transient, or an external trigger. Then
use FETCh commands to return voltage or current information from
the acquired data. Briefly, to make a triggered measurement:
1. Select the measurement function to trigger.
2. Select the trigger source.
3. Initiate the trigger system and generate a trigger.
4. Fetch the triggered measurements.
Select the Measurement Function to Trigger
Some models have two measurement converters, which allow
simultaneous voltage and current measurements (Refer to Chapter 1,
“Model Differences”). If a power model has only one converter and a
triggered measurement is initiated, the parameter that it measures
(either voltage or current) must be specified.