
Quick Reference 1
Series N6700 User’s Guide 15
SCPI Command Summary
Subsystem Commands
Some [optional] commands have been included for clarity. All settings commands
have a corresponding query. Not all commands apply to all models.
SCPI Command Description
:ACQuire (@chanlist) Resets the measurement trigger system to the Idle state
:TRANsient (@chanlist) Resets the transient trigger system to the Idle state
[:LEVel] <NRf>, (@channel) Calibrates the output current programming
:MEASure <NRf>, (@channel) Calibrates the current measurement
:PEAK (@channel) Calibrates the peak current limit (Agilent N6751A/52A/61A/62A)
:DATA <NRf> Enters the calibration value
:DATE <SPD>, (@channel) Sets the calibration date
:DPRog (@channel) Calibrates the current downprogrammer
:LEVel P1 | P2 | P3 Advances to the next calibration step
:PASSword <NRf> Sets the numeric calibration password
:SAVE Saves the new cal constants in non-volatile memory
:STATE <Bool> [,<NRf>] Enables/disables calibration mode
[:LEVel] <NRf>, (@channel) Calibrates the output voltage programming
:CMRR (@channel) Calibrates common mode rejection ratio (N6751A/52A/61A/62A)
:MEASure <NRf>, (@channel) Calibrates the voltage measurement
DISPlay[:WINDow]:VIEW METER1 | METER4 Selects 1-channel or 4-channel meter view
:CURRent [:DC]? (@chanlist) Returns the average output current
:VOLTage [:DC]? (@chanlist) Returns the average output voltage
:ARRay (Array commands only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054)
:CURRent [:DC]? (@chanlist) Returns the instantaneous output current
:VOLTage [:DC]? (@chanlist) Returns the instantaneous output voltage
[:IMMediate] (Acquire command only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054)
:ACQuire (@chanlist) Enables the measurement system to receive triggers
:TRANsient (@chanlist) Enables the output transient system to receive triggers
:TRANsient <Bool>, (@chanlist) Enables/disables continuous transient triggers
:CURRent [:DC]? (@chanlist) Takes a measurement; returns the average output current
:VOLTage [:DC]? (@chanlist) Takes a measurement; returns the average output voltage
:ARRay (Array commands only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054)
:CURRent [:DC]? (@chanlist) Takes a measurement; returns the instantaneous output current
:VOLTage [:DC]? (@chanlist) Takes a measurement; returns the instantaneous output voltage