4 Operating the Power System
62 Series N6700 User’s Guide
Output Groups
The ability to group outputs is only available on power system mainframes with
firmware revision B.00.00 and up.
Output channels can be configured or “grouped” to create a single
output with higher current and power capability. Almost all
instrument functionality is supported by grouped channels, including
voltage and current programming, measurements, status, step and
list transients. The following conditions apply for grouped channels:
Up to four output channels can be grouped per mainframe.
Output channels that are grouped must also be connected in
parallel as described in Chapter 2.
Grouped channels do not have to be adjacent, but they must have
identical model numbers and options installed.
The maximum output current is the sum of the maximum of each
channel in the group.
Low current measurement ranges should not be used with
grouped channels, otherwise a measurement overload error will
occur. Low current output ranges, however, can be used.
Over-current protection delay has a slightly slower response time
(~10 ms) and slightly less resolution than an ungrouped channel.
When output channels have been grouped, they are addressed
using the channel number of the lowest channel in the group.
Power limiting should not be used when Agilent N673xB, N674xB,
and N677xA
power modules are grouped. Refer to Appendix C.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select System\Groups.
In the matrix that appears, select
the channels you want to group.
Each row defines a separate group.
To configure a group of channels:
SYST:GRO:DEF (@2,3,4)
This groups channels 2 through 4. To
address the group, use channel 2.
To return grouped channels back to an ungrouped state, first remove
the parallel connections between channels and proceed as follows:
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select System\Groups.
In the matrix, place each output
channel in its own separate group.
To ungroup all channels:
Reboot the unit for the grouping or ungrouping changes to take effect.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Cycle AC power.