Operating the Power System 4
Series N6700 User’s Guide 63
Front Panel Keys
The ability to lock the front panel from the front panel is only available on
power system mainframes with firmware revision B.00.00 and up.
You can lock the front panel keys to prevent unwanted control of the
instrument from the front panel. This is the most secure way of
locking the front panel keys because you need a password to unlock
the front panel. The lockout setting is saved in non-volatile memory
so that the front panel remains locked even after AC power is cycled.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select System\Preferences\Lock
In the dialog box, enter the password to
unlock the front panel. Then select Lock.
The menu to unlock the front panel
appears every time a key is pressed. Enter
the password to unlock the front panel.
Not Available
If the password is lost, the SYSTem:PASSword:FPANel:RESet command can
reset the front panel lockout password. Refer to the Programmer’s Reference
Help file on your Agilent N6700 Product Reference CD for more information.
The SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate RWLock command can also lock and
unlock the front panel. This command is completely independent of the front
panel lockout function. If you use this command to lock the front panel, the
front panel will be unlocked when AC power is cycled.
You can enable or disable the front panel key clicks.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select System\Preferences\Keys
Check Enable key clicks to enable key
clicks. Uncheck to disable key clicks.
Not Available
You can configure the On/Off key to enable or disable ALL outputs.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select System\Preferences\Keys.
Check On/Off key affects all channels.
The ON/Off key will now be active on ALL
channels. The All indicator will be on.
Not Available