Operating the Power System 4
Series N6700 User’s Guide 69
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select Transient\List\Pace.
Select Dwell-paced. Press Select.
In a trigger-paced list, the list advances one step for each trigger
received. To enable trigger-paced lists, select Trigger-paced on the
front panel menu. (Set the LIST:STEP command to ONCE.)
The dwell time associated with each step determines the minimum
time that the output remains at the step. If a trigger is received before
the dwell time completes, the trigger is ignored. To ensure that no
triggers are lost in a trigger-paced list, set the dwell time to zero.
Step 5. Specify if you want the list to generate trigger signals that can be
used to trigger actions on other output channels or on external
equipment connected to the digital port.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select Transient\List\Config.
Select the List Step number.
To generate a trigger, enter a 1 in
the Tout Begin Step or Tout End
Step field. If a zero is entered, no
trigger is generated for the step.
Repeat this for each step. Use the
© ª keys to select the next step.
To program a trigger at the beginning
of step 4 for output 1, use
LIST:TOUT:BOST 0,0,0,0,1,0,
To program a trigger at the end of
step 0, 2, and 4 for output 1, use
LIST:TOUT:EOST 1,0,1,0,1,0,
Step 6. Specify how you want the list to terminate. For example, if you want
the list to remain at the values of the last list step when finished, use:
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select Transient\List\Terminate.
Select Stop Last Step. Press Select.
To program output 1, use
Step 7. If applicable, specify how many times you want the list to repeat.
Sending the INFinity parameter in the SCPI command makes the list
repeat indefinitely. At reset, the list count is set to 1.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select the Transient\List\Repeat.
Enter the number of list repetitions
(2) and Press Select.
To program the output 1 list to repeat
2 times, use
LIST:COUN 2, (@1)
Step 8. Select a trigger source, initiate, and trigger the list. This is described
in detail under "Synchronizing Output Steps".
Trigger at BOST
02 34 5 1
Trigger at EOST
02 34 5