Operating the Power System 4
Series N6700 User’s Guide 61
System-Related Operations
A power-on self-test occurs automatically when you turn on the power
system. This test assures you that the instrument is operational. If
the self-test is successful, the power system will continue to operate
normally. If the self-test fails, the front panel Err indicator comes on.
Press the Error key to display the list of errors on the front panel.
Refer to the Service Guide for further information.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Cycle AC power.
Instrument Identification
For Agilent N6700 mainframes, you can return the model number,
serial number, firmware revision, backup and active firmware. For
power modules, you can return the model number, serial number,
installed options, voltage, current and power rating.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select System\About\Frame.
Select System\About\Module.
Instrument State Storage
The power system has two storage locations in non-volatile memory
to store instrument states. The locations are numbered 0 and 1. Any
state previously stored in the same location will be overwritten.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select States\SaveRecall.
In the SaveRecall field, enter a
location from 0 to 1, and press
Select. Select Save to save the
state or Recall to recall a state.
To save a state:
*SAV <n>
To recall a state:
*RCL <n>
When shipped from the factory, the power system is configured to
automatically recall the reset (*RST) settings at power-on. However,
you can configure the power system to use the settings stored in
memory location 0 at power-on.
Front Panel: SCPI Command:
Select States\PowerOn.
Select Recall State 0, then press