50 L4400 User’s Guide
3 Operating and Programming
L4400 Instrument Rear Panel Overview
The rear panel of an L4400 series instrument is shown in Figure 3-2. Note
that the ports and connectors available are based on the instrument’s
options and functionality.
Figure 3-2. L4400 Instrument Rear Panel (L4421A shown).
Analog Bus Port
The Analog bus port, available on the rear panel of the L4421A 40- Channel
Armature Multiplexer Module and the L4433A Dual/Quad 4x8 Reed Matrix
Module, allows signals to be routed to external instruments such as digital
multimeters (DMMs). There are four busses (ABUS1 - ABUS 4) on the port.
Figure 3- 3 defines each bus and corresponding pin numbers.
Figure 3-3. L4400 Analog Bus Port Pinouts.
See “Scanning with External Instruments” later in this chapter for
information on how the analog bus is used for scanning a channel list with an
external DMM.
Analog Bus Port
External Trigger/Alarm DIO Port
GPIB Interface
LAN Port
LAN Reset
ABus1 LO (pin 4)
ABus2 LO (pin 3)
ABus3 LO (pin 2)
ABus4 LO (pin 1)
ABus1 HI (pin 9)
ABus2 HI (pin 8)
ABus3 HI (pin 7)
ABus4 HI (pin 6)
(2A Max.)
(L4421A only)