142 L4400 User’s Guide
7 Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
Power Supplies
The switches and attenuators on the master remote module can be powered
from the L4445A or use an external power supply. All additional slave modules
must use an external power supply.
Each remote module has a terminal strip used to connect external switch
power. The three most common power supply voltages used by the microwave
switches and attenuators are:
• 5 Volts
• 15 Volts
• 24 Volts (most common)
Power Consumption
Each 34945EXT can drive up to 2A continuously using an external power
supply. The actual amount of power available for the switches on each
34945EXT module varies with the type of switches being used and the settings
for those switches.
• Some switch types consume power even in their quiescent state.
Be sure to review the switch data sheets for the switches you are using.
• Set the pulse width to the minimum necessary to activate the switch using
the ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:PULSe:WIDTh command.
• Add power supply recovery time using the
ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:TIMe:RECovery command
• Use an external power supply if possible.
• When the drive source for the master remote module is set to internal, each
driver interface module may supply up to 2A.