L4451A and L4452A Calibration Procedures A
L4400 User’s Guide 261
L4452A Multifunction Module
Verification and calibration of the L4452A Multifunction Module is
limited to channels 6 and 7 which are the DAC (voltage) output channels.
L4452A Verification
The test connection for verifying the DAC output voltage on channels 6
and 7 of the L4452A are shown in Figure A- 3.
Figure A-3. L4452A DAC Output Connections (Channels 6 and 7).
DAC Output Verification Test
This procedure is used to check the calibration of the DAC outputs on
channels 6 and 7 of the L4452A. Verification checks are performed only
for those output values with unique calibration constants.
1 With the DMM disconnected from the L4452A, set the DMM to the
100V range or the lowest range that can measure 16V (do not use
2 Short the inputs to the DMM. The DMM reading is the offset voltage
for the selected range. If the DMM has “null” capability, turn it on at
L4452A Terminal Block
twist wires