Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver 7
L4400 User’s Guide 167
16 Conductor Cable
9 Conductor Cable
Y1152A Switch Control
All channels are driven in PAIRed mode.
* For switches connected to SW1, note the path closed is accomplished with the ROUTe:OPEN command.
Item Description Example Part Numbers
Cable Type 16 conductor ribbon cable, 0.050" pitch, 26 or
28 AWG stranded
3M 3801/16 (26 AWG)
3M 3365/16 (28 AWG)
Y1152A Connector 10 pin socket connector, 0.1" x 0.1" pin grid,
IDC termination, center polarizing key
3M P/N 89116-0101
AMP P/N 76288-3
Switch Connector 16 pin socket connector, 0.1" x 0.1" pin grid,
IDC termination, center polarizing key
3M P/N 89116-0101
AMP P/N 76288-3
Cable Wiring Y1152A connector pin 1 to switch connector
pin 1
Item Description Example Part Numbers
Cable Type 9 conductor ribbon cable, 0.050" pitch, 26 or
28 AWG stranded
3M 3801/09 (26 AWG)
3M 3365/09 (28 AWG)
Y1150A Connector 10 pin socket connector, 0.1" x 0.1" pin grid,
IDC termination, center polarizing key
3M P/N 89110-0101
AMP P/N 76288-1
Switch Connector 9 pin D-sub male, IDC termination, without
threaded insert
3M P/N 8209-6000
AMP P/N 747306-4
Cable Wiring Y1152A socket connector pin 1 to switch
D-sub connector pin 1
(Note: pin 10 of Y1152A connector not used)
Path closed* Path open*
SW1 Path1 ROUT:OPEN (@xx01) ROUT:CLOS (@xx01)
SW1 Path2 ROUT:OPEN (@xx02) ROUT:CLOS (@xx02)
SW1 Path3 ROUT:OPEN (@xx03) ROUT:CLOS (@xx03)
SW1 Path4 ROUT:OPEN (@xx04) ROUT:CLOS (@xx04)
SW1 Path5 ROUT:OPEN (@xx05) ROUT:CLOS (@xx05)
SW1 Path6 ROUT:OPEN (@xx06) ROUT:CLOS (@xx06)
State A State B
SW2 ROUT:OPEN (@xx07) ROUT:CLOS (@xx07)
SW3 ROUT:OPEN (@xx08) ROUT:CLOS (@xx08)