26 L4400 User’s Guide
2 Software Installation and Configuration
Figure 2-10. Configured Instruments added to LAN Network.
Interactive IO
The Interactive IO feature of Agilent Connection Expert allows you to interact
with the instruments by sending commands and seeing the instruments’
responses. Interactive IO can help you:
• troubleshoot communication problems
• learn the instrument's command set
• prototype commands and check the instrument's responses before writing
With Interactive IO, you can choose from a menu of common commands
(*IDN?, *RST, *TST?), or execute commands from the instrument’s command
set (see Chapters 4-10 for the commands available with each instrument).
Figure 2- 11 shows how Interactive IO is started from Agilent Connection
For more information on Interactive IO, refer to the Agilent IO Libraries
Suite Getting Started Guide. The guide is available on-line by clicking on
the Agilent IO Control icon and then selecting Documentation !IO
Libraries Suite Getting Started.