L4421A 40-Channel Armature Multiplexer 4
L4400 User’s Guide 103
L4421A Example Program Segments
The following sections contain example program segments of commonly used
instrument functions.
For detailed example programs involving multiple drivers and development
environments, refer to the L4400 Product Reference CD- ROM (p/n
34989- 13601).
Opening and Closing Channels
Example: Closing and opening channels This command closes the specified
channels on the L4421A. If any channel in a bank is defined to be part of the
scan list, and a scan is occurring, attempting to close another channel
(including Analog Bus channels) within the same bank will result in an error.
Channel closures in the other bank are allowed as long as no channels are
part of the scan list.
The following commands close and open channels 13 and 15 through 18.
ROUTe:CLOSe (@1013,1015:1018)
ROUTe:OPEN (@1013,1015:1018)
Example: Closing and opening Analog Bus relays The following command
connects the Analog Buses to Bank 1 (via the Analog Bus relays on Bank 1).
ROUTe:CLOSe (@1911,1912,1913,1914)
ROUTe:OPEN (@1911,1912,1913,1914)
The analog bus relays (numbered 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914) on the L4421A are
ignored if they are included in a range of channels. An error will be
generated if an analog bus relay is specified as the first or last channel in a
range of channels. For example, the following command closes all channels
between channels 1 and 30. In addition, this command closes analog bus
relay 1911.
ROUTe:CLOSe (@1001:1030,1911)
TRIGger:COUNt {<count>|MIN|MAX|DEF|INFinity}
TRIGger:SOURce {IMMediate|BUS|EXTernal|TIMer}
TRIGger:TIMer {<seconds>|MIN|MAX|DEF}
TRIGger:TIMer? [{MIN|MAX}]
DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes? (@<ch_list>)
DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes:CLEar (@<ch_list>)