LTPH-UM-1049-02, Issue 2 Monitoring System Activity and Performance
H2TU-C-319 List 4E January 9, 2002 47
Table 18. HDSL2 Alarm Descriptions
Screen Alarm Front-Panel Alarm Description
MTAE MTAE Metallic Test Access Equipment—The H2TU-C is in its MTA/LOSW test state.
MTAF MTAF Metallic Test Access Facility—The H2TU-C is in its MTA/LOSW test state.
LOSW LOSW Loss of Sync Word—The HDSL2 loop has lost synchronization.
MAL xxx-MAL Margin—The margin on the HDSL2 loop has dropped below the minimum threshold value
set for the system. (xxx denotes either TUC or TUR.)
LA xxx-LA Loop Attenuation—The attenuation on the HDSL2 loop has exceeded the maximum value
set for the HDSL2 loop attenuation threshold. (xxx denotes either TUC or TUR.)
HBER xxx-HBER Block Error Rate—The HDSL2 BER has exceeded the set threshold limits of 10
or 10
- 7
(xxx denotes either TUC or TUR.)
PWR FEED SHRT Indicates a short between the Tip and Ring of the HDSL2 pair.
(a) Displays only on the H2TU-C HDSL2 interface.
PWR FEED GND The HDSL2 loop is grounded.
PWR FEED OPEN Indicates a line power open condition.