Provisioning LTPH-UM-1049-02, Issue 2
20 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-319 List 4E
Minor Alarm ALM ENA Enables the generation of the output alarm on pin H when a system alarm
condition occurs.
DIS Disables the generation of the output alarm on pin H when a system alarm
condition occurs.
Network AIS Signal NAIS CI If ALMP is set to AIS, this option specifies which pattern is sent to the network
when a remote LOS or AIS occurs. When configured for CI, an AIS-CI pattern
is sent to the network.
AIS When configured for AIS, an AIS pattern is sent to the network.
Performance Report
PRM SPRM The H2TU-R generates Supplemental PRM (SPRM) every second if no PRM
is received from the CPE within 5 seconds of a reset or if an LOS/AIS/LOF
condition occurs. TL1 commands and responses are enabled.
NPRM The H2TU-R generates Network PRM (NPRM) if no PRM is present from the
CPE. If the CPE is sending PRMs, NPRM is generated every second in addition
to the existing PRM. TL1 commands and response are enabled.
S + N The H2TU-R generates an NPRM which is tagged onto an SPRM every
second. The H2TU-R generates SPRM if no PRM is present from the CPE. If
the CPE is sending PRM, the PRM is converted to an SPRM. TL1 commands
and responses are enabled.
OFF ESF Datalink (DL) is completely transparent. No PRMs are generated. There
are no TL1 responses unless the system is first armed by a TL1 command,
which enables performance monitoring.
Toward Network
See “SF RAI to SF
RAI-CI Toward
Network (RACI)
Option” on page 23.
RACI ENA Allows a DS1 SF-RAI (yellow alarm) signal received by the H2TU-R to be
converted to an SF-RAI-CI signal toward the network.
DIS Prevents conversion of the DS1 SF-RAI to SF RAI-CI. It does not prevent SF
RAI-CI to ESF RAI-CI from occurring when FCON is active.
ROVR ENA If the CONV option is set to FCON or ACON, an ESF DS1 payload from the
network with an embedded RAI pattern is converted to an SF-RAI pattern
toward the CI at the H2TU-R.
See “ESF RAI to SF
RAI Overwrite
(ROVR) Option” on
page 23.
DIS Prevents conversion to an SF-RAI pattern.
H2TU-R DS1 Frame
CONV ACON Auto (ACON) detection of framing and potential frame conversion at the
See “H2TU-R DS1
Frame Conversion
(CONV) Option” on
page 23.
OFF Framing determined by the DS1 frame formatting option.
FCON Auto detection of framing and forced frame format conversion (FCON) at the
Fractional T1 Mode
See “Fractional T1
(FT1) Option” on
page 26.
FT1 ENA Enables system response to DDS latching loopback commands for fractional
T1 applications and enables CPE disconnect or trouble indication. See
Figure 30 on page 54 for LOS/AIS response priorities.
DIS Disables system response to DDS latching loopback commands for fractional
T1 applications and CPE disconnect or trouble indications.
Table 6. H2TU-C-319 List 4E ADC Config Menu Options (Continued)
ADC Config Menu
Selection Description