LTPH-UM-1049-02, Issue 2 Front Panel
H2TU-C-319 List 4E January 9, 2002 7
CODE xxxx Line Code: AMI or B8ZS The DS1 line code setting: Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) or Bipolar
with 8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS).
FRM xxxx Frame: SF, ESF, or UNFR Defines the type of frame pattern being received from the DSX-1:
SuperFrame (SF), Extended SuperFrame (ESF), or Unframed
LATT xx Loop Attenuation The current loop attenuation threshold setting measured in decibels.
LIST xx H2TU-C List Number The list number of the H2TU-C.
MARG xx Margin The current margin threshold setting measured in decibels.
VER x.xx H2TU-C Software Version Number The software version number (x.xx).
(a) System information messages are displayed in Scroll Mode. To scroll through the messages, press the MODE pushbutton for
3 or more seconds.
Table 2. Front-Panel Display Messages (Continued)
Message Full Name Description