Overview LTPH-UM-1049-02, Issue 2
2 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-319 List 4E
• Configuration options
– Selectable DS1 pre-equalizer
– Bipolar Violation Transparency (BPVT) options
– Bit Error Rate (BER) alarm
– Power Back Off Network (PBON) and Power Back Off Customer (PBOC) options for configuring output
– Loss of Signal/Alarm Indication Signal (LOS/AIS) payload alarm option
– Remote provisioning
• Compatible with HMS-358 Soneplex
Wideband 3190 shelves only
• Digital Data Service (DDS) latching loopback
• Network Management and Administration (NMA) interface
• Metallic Test Access (MTA)
• Dual DSX-1 port option
The H2TU-C has two unique features, Metallic Test Access and Dual DS1 port options, which are not provided
in standard ADC line units with 3192 mechanics. These features require additional access pins which are provided
by a special card-edge connector, shown in Figure 33 on page 68. Only the HMS-358 set of shelves can
accommodate this special connector.
HiGain HDSL2 systems provide a cost-effective, easy-to-deploy method for delivering T1 High Capacity Digital
Service (HCDS) over a single copper pair. HiGain HDSL2 systems support a multitude of network connections
and system models.
• The service is deployed over one unconditioned, non-loaded copper pair.
• Conventional, inline DS1 repeaters are no longer required.
• Cable pair conditioning, pair separation and bridged tap removal are not required.
Each loop has no more than 35 dB of loss at 196 kHz, with driving and terminating impedances of 135
Ω. In
general, HiGain HDSL2 systems:
• Operate effectively in the same cable binder group with other HDSL2 lines, HDSL, T1, ADSL, SDSL, POTS,
DDS, and other transmission schemes.
• Can be used with customers requiring DS1 service on a temporary or permanent basis.
• Provide a means of quickly deploying service in advance of fiber-optic transmission systems.
DS1 is used throughout this document to refer to either the remote unit’s DS1 interface or the
line unit’s DSX-1 interface.