Provisioning LTPH-UM-1049-02, Issue 2
18 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-319 List 4E
Table 5 describes the Standard Config screen options and lists their front-panel display codes. Table 6 on page 19
describes the ADC Config screen options and lists their front-panel display codes. Selections in bold typeface are
the factory default settings.
Table 5. H2TU-C-319 List 4E Standard Config Menu Options
Standard Config
Menu Options
Selection Description
Loopback Timeout LBTO NONE Disables automatic time-out cancellation of all loopbacks.
20 Sets automatic cancellation of all loopbacks to 20 minutes after initiation.
60 Sets automatic cancellation of all loopbacks to 60 minutes after initiation.
120 Sets automatic cancellation of all loopbacks to 120 minutes after initiation.
Loop Attenuation
LATT 0 through
40 dB
Determines the maximum loop attenuation before an alarm is declared. Zero
disables the alarm. The loop attenuation threshold can only be set through the
maintenance screens.
32 dB Default value. Zero disables the alarm.
Margin Threshold MARG 0 to 15 dB Determines the minimum allowable margin below which a system alarm can
occur. Zero disables the alarm.
The Margin Alarm Threshold can only be set through the maintenance
5 dB Default value.
DS1 Frame
FRMG AUTO Configures the line unit to operate in an auto-framing (AUTO) mode.
It detects and locks to both SF or ESF DS1 frame patterns. Line and path
performance parameters are maintained and displayed. Unframed payloads
will cause the ES-P and SES-P counters to increment.
UNFR Configures the same as AUTO except unframed payloads do not cause the
ES-P and SES-P counters to increment.
DS1 Line Coding DS1 B8ZS Places both the H2TU-C and H2TU-R into their B8ZS modes.
AMI Places both the H2TU-C and H2TU-R into their AMI modes.
H2TU-C Equalization
See “H2TU-C
Equalization (EQL)
Option.” on page 22.
EQL 0 ft Sets the Equalizer to DSX-1 for 0 to 132 feet.
133 ft Sets the Equalizer to DSX-1 for 133 to 265 feet.
266 ft Sets the Equalizer to DSX-1 for 266 to 398 feet.
399 ft Sets the Equalizer to DSX-1 for 399 to 532 feet.
533 ft Sets the Equalizer to DSX-1 for 533 to 655 feet.
H2TU-R Line
RLBO 0 dB Sets the DS1 RLBO level toward the Customer Interface (CI).
-7.5 dB Sets the DS1 RLBO level toward the CI to -7.5 dB.
-15 dB Sets the DS1 RLBO level toward the CI to -15 dB.
Alarm Pattern
See “Alarm Pattern
(ALMP) Option.” on
page 22.
ALMP AIS Enables the HiGain HDSL2 system to output an AIS payload at its DS1 ports
for LOSW and LOS DS1. For priority resolution, see Figure 30 on page 54 for
LOS/AIS response priorities.
LOS Enables the HiGain HDSL2 system to output an LOS condition at its DS1 ports
for LOSW and LOS DS1.
TLOS ENA Enables a logic loopback at the H2TU-R when an LOS occurs at its DS1 input,
if enabled at the H2TU-R. For priority resolution, see Figure 30 on page 54.
DIS Disables TLOS logic loopback.
Power Back Off
PBON DEF Configures the power output levels of the H2TU-C network unit towards the
customer to comply with the Default template as defined in Section of
ENH Configures the power output levels of the H2TU-C network unit towards the
customer to comply with the Enhanced template as defined in Section
of ANSIT1.E1.4.