Front Panel LTPH-UM-1049-02, Issue 2
4 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-319 List 4E
Table 1. Front-Panel Description
Front-Panel Feature Function
Front-panel display Displays four-character status, provisioning, and alarm system messages. The front-panel display
illuminates when power is initially applied. To conserve power the display only remains on for
5 minutes. Using the MODE or LBK pushbuttons reactivates the display and restarts the 5-minute
timer. Refer to Table 2 on page 5 for a listing of the four-character messages.
MODE and LBK system
option pushbuttons
Permits user options to be monitored and modified without the need of a maintenance terminal. Used
to initiate all HiGain loopbacks and test states as well as to display DSX-1 line parameters and line
unit identity.
Status LED The status LED can report the following conditions:
Off Line power is off.
Green Normal operation.
Flashing green HDSL2 acquisition.
Red Fuse alarm.
Flashing red System alarm.
Yellow An H2TU-C Customer Remote Loopback (CREM) or a Network Local Loopback (NLOC) is in effect.
Flashing yellow H2TU-C is in an Armed state.
DSX-1 access jacks
BRG Provides non-intrusive bridging jack access to (IN) and from (OUT) the HDSL2 span at the
MUX DSX-1 interface. Allows the two DS1 payloads to be monitored.
LINE Provides splitting jack access to (IN) and from (OUT) the HDSL2 span at the MUX DSX-1 interface.
Breaks the IN and OUT paths to permit test signal insertion and retrieval.
Craft port (RS-232) Provides bidirectional communication between the unit and an external terminal to allow
configuration and performance monitoring through the maintenance terminal screens.
CLEI and ECI bar code label Provides the human-readable Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code number and the
Equipment Catalog Item (ECI) bar code number.
List number Identifies the list number of the H2TU-C.