10 CFM Compressed Air Dryer Chapter 2: Functional Description 13 of 30
MANU Manual Mode
Lights when the auto/manual mode is set to manual
Lights when the setting change protect is ON.
Understanding the Controller’s Parameters
Parameter Function
Run/Stop (r-S)
Can be set to “RUN” or “STOP.” When “RUN” is selected,
the control is running. When “STOP” is selected, the control
is stopped, and the Stop indicator lights. The default value is
Alarm Value (AL-1)
Can be set from –1999 to 9999. This parameter is used to
indicate how many degrees the process temperature will be
allowed to exceed the set point temperature. An alarm output
will de-energize the heaters. The default value is 25.
Auto-tune (At)
Can be set to “ON” or “OFF.” This feature is used to
automatically set the optimum PID parameters “proportional
band,” “integral time” and “derivative time” for the set point
value by changing the variables that had been modified
previously. The default value is “OFF.”
Temperature Input
Shift (Tns)
Can be set from –199.9 to 999.9. This setting is used to offset
an error between the set point and the actual temperature. The
entire input range is shifted by a set figure preprogrammed by
the operator. The default value is 0.
Proportional Band
Can be set from 0.1 to 999.9. This setting controls the amount
in which the manipulated variable (MV) is proportionate to
the deviated value or controller error. The default value is 8.0.
Integral Time (I)
Can be set from 0 to 3999. Setting this feature gives the
control an action that is proportionate to the time integral of
the control error. By using this setting, proportional action is
used in combination with integral action to offset the control
error and the set point will begin to match the control
temperature (PV or process value). The default value is 233.
Derivative Time (d)
Can be set from 0 to 3999. Setting the derivative control
provides the controller with the ability to correct for a future
error in the previously set process output. The default value is