6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
d. Methods for storing reception data
• Allocate a reception data storage register area with a size equal to the size of the reception data
plus one word. The reception data count (the size of the transmission data for a single
operation) and the transmission data for a single operation will be stored in this area as shown
in the figure.
Reception data count (bytes)
Reception data
• The T2N checks for register area allocation of the reception data size plus one word and
returns an error if the register area does not exist.
Status: Boundary error (TermSTS = 0AH)
In this case, data is not transferred to the register area, and the data is discarded. The data is
not retained in the Ethernet Port either.
e. Important items
• An error is returned if a receive request is issued for a socket that is not yet opened.
Status: Transmission error (TermSTS = 0BH)
Detailed information: Unopened (0081H)
• An error is returned if a value other than 1 to 8 is specified as the socket identifier.
Status: Transmission error (TermSTS = 0BH)
Detailed information: Illegal socket identifier (0082H)
• It is not possible to receive data sent from the local port, even if the local port IP address is
specified at the transmission source IP address.
• Values in the range 1024 to 65535 can be specified as the object socket UDP port number for
the transmission source. An error will be returned if a value outside that range is specified.
Status: Transmission error (TermSTS = 0BH)
Detailed information: Port number error (0071H)
• An error will be returned if a value of 0 words or 1001 or more words is specified as the
reception data size.
Status: Transmission word count error (TermSTS = 09H)
• An error will be returned if the reception timeout time is exceeded.
Status: Transmission error (TermSTS = 0BH)
Detailed information: Timeout(0020H)
• Allocate a reception data storage register area with a size equal to the size of the
transmission data plus one word. The size of the transmission data for the single operation
and the size of reception data will be stored in this area.
← Start of the specified
register area
Reception data storage
register area