
6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
Time set request (using the SEND instruction)
a. Function
This request sets the Ethernet Port internal time from a user program.
b. Transfer parameters
A 3100H
Module designation
A+1 CMD = 0018H
CMD number
A+2 Month Year
A+3 Hour Day
A+4 Seconds Minute
Enter the year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds as BCD codes.
The date July 20, 1996 14:30:00 would be entered as:
A 3100H 12544
A+1 0018H 00024
A+2 0796H 01942
A+3 1404H 05124
A+4 0030H 00048
c. Status (See figure 4.3 for details on bits C, D, E and F.)
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B 0 0 0 0 TermSTS
B+1 Detailed information (Only valid when TermSTS = 0BH.)
d. Important items
This request can be executed in run or standby mode.
The time set here is updated by the Ethernet Port internal timer, and thus may get out of
synchronization with the T2N time.
We recommend setting the Ethernet Port time once a day.