
6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
(3) Status (B)
The status during the execution of a SEND or RECV instruction and after that instruction
terminates is stored in the register shown at B. When TermSTS = 0BH, the detailed information
(Ethernet Port error information) will be loaded into the registers indicated at location B + 1.
Figure 4.3 shows the structure of the status information. Tables 4.3 and 4.4 list the TermSTS
values, and table 4.5 and 4.6 lists the contents of the detailed information.
B Status
B+1 Detailed information
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 4.3 Status Structure
<Important items>
h. The user program must set bits C and D to 0 before first activating a SEND/RECV
instruction. Failure to do so will cause the SEND/RECV instruction to not complete.
Also, do not write to the status during instruction execution. This will cause the
SEND/RECV instruction to not complete.
i. When the number of SEND/RECV instructions are used in the user program and their
instructions are executed simultaneously, separate the status and detailed information
register every instruction.
Table 4.3 TermSTS (Part 1)
TermSTS Status Meaning
00H Normal complete
01H Register specification error Occurs if a register other than XW, YW,W, LW, RW, D, F, T, C, or SW is
specified as the data storage register in one of the following requests.
Requests: RAS information readout, remote port loopback, UDP send/receive,
TCP send/receive, register read/write.
In a register read or write request, the request specified a read or write from a
T register to a register other than a T register.
(This also applies to C registers.)
02H Response timeout Occurs if a response is not received within the specified time for a remote port
loopback or register read/write request.
abn 0: Normal complete
1: Error complete
busy 0: Initial state
1: Transmission port busy
status 0: Initial state
1: While send requesting
2: Send complete and while waiting
3: Complete
Only on an error 0: Error occurred at local station.
1: Error occurred at remote station.
Socket identifier: Only valid for socket interface transmission
instructions. ("0" for other instructions)
Sport NO