05_DocMonRef-Configure.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic) 171
Run the document monitor when starting the Windows
system—starts GL-DocMon automatically each time you start the
operating system.
Sample GL-DocMon Event Notification dialog box
The following options are available on the Notification tab:
n Document has printed successfully—means the controller is
finished printing the document.
n Private print document is being held—means you’ve sent a
private print job and it is ready for you to walk over to the
controller and release.
n Proof set has been printed—means the controller has printed
the first copy of your multi-copy job, which is ready for your
review before releasing and printing the remaining copies.
n Document has been cancelled by the printer—means the
controller as cancelled the job. This can happen when a paper
size is not available and the timeout has expired. This event
occurs only when catastrophic circumstances force the
controller to cancel the job, such as a missing byte or memory
failure. Expired private print or proof print jobs are never
cancelled by the controller.
n Document is unserviceable—means the controller is unable
to print the job.
n Paper has a paper jam—means there is a paper jam in the
n Printer is offline—means the copier is off line.