06_PrintProceduresAdvanced.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic) 129
The printer drivers provide these ways to handle a print job:
normal, scheduled print, private print, proof print, overlay image
file, TopAccessComposer, and TopAccessComposer print.
For a summary explanation of each of these options, see Setup
Properties on page 115. For procedures, continue reading.
Scheduling Print Jobs on a PC
The Print Scheduling feature allows you to specify the date and
time to print your job. This can be especially useful for delaying
printing until off-peak hours.
1On the
Setup properties tab, select Scheduled Print from the Job
Type drop-down list.
By default, the current date and time is selected.
Edit to postpone printing to another time.
The Scheduled Time window opens.
Sample Scheduled Time window
3 Enter the date and time or click the drop-down box to browse
the calendar and select the date.
OK to close the Scheduled Time window.
Apply to accept the settings and continue making
selections from other tabs or click
OK to close the Properties
OK to begin spooling the print job to the printer.
The document will be queued to print at the specified time
and date.