More Information
Worry Free Guarantee®
Subject to the Customer Agreement and Calling Plan.
Please read and understand them before activating.
Verizon Wireless calling areas, rates, coverage, agree-
ments, provisions, business p
ractices, procedures and
policies are subject to change as specied in the Custo-
mer Agreement. Our liability is signicantly limited.
Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For
complete d
etails on the Worry Free Guarantee, visit
verizonwireless.com. Best network claim based on
our reliability studies. See verizonwireless.com/
bestnetwork for details.
Security deposit
You may have been asked to leave a security deposit
at the time you activated your wireless service. You
are eligible to receive your security deposit back at
the end of 1 year of uninterrupted service, or upon
termination of your contract. You will automatically be
refunded your deposit after 1 y
ear, including interest,
provided that you have kept your account in “good
standing” (this means that you paid your bill continu-
ously for one year in a timely manner). This refund m
take u
p to 3 billing cycles to be processed. Should you
be disconnected at any time during the rst year for lack
of pay m
ent, you forfeit any interest accrued during that
time frame. If you terminate your service, but have not
paid your nal bill, the deposit will be applied to your
account, and you will receive any remaining funds. If
your service is t
erminated after the initial 30-day Worry
Free Guarantee period but before the end of your
minimum term, your deposit will be applied against
any applicable early termination fee in addition to any
outstanding balance before a check is processed.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules
and r
The FCC requires that wireless devices be operated
in accordance with FCC rules and regulations and
under supervision of the licensee. Severe punishment
can result from f
ailure to comply with the following
• N
or fraudulent signal or distress communication.