Optional Services
order, contact our Global Services Activation Specialists
at 1-8
For up-to-date Information on destinations and rates,
please visit verizonwireless.com/vzglobal and select
International Long Distance, International Text
Messaging, Inter na
tional Roaming, or Occasional
Global Traveler to see additional details on what
services and programs are available with your Verizon
Wireless device.
Other Products and Services
Whether it’s business or personal, Verizon Wireless
oers a variety of wireless solutions for your notebooks,
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and/or smartphones.
Oce Message Alert
When a voice mail is left on your oce phone’s voice
mail, a Text Alert is sent to your wireless device.
Wireless Sync
Allows synchronization of your email, calendar,
contacts, etc., between your oce computer and your
Verizon Wireless device.
A PC card that allows you to download les, open email
attachments, access oce data and applications, and
browse the Internet.