Mobile Entertainment
Download music to your PC
Open V CAST Music with Rhapsody and log in. Don’t
have V CAST Music with Rhapsody? Download it for free
at verizonwireless.com/music.
Once logged in you can perform any one of the
following actions:
• Download a PC copy of an over-the-air (OTA)
purchased track
1. S
ong tracks available for download will pop up
upon login completion.
2. C
heck the boxes of songs you wish to download.
3. Sel
ect Download Tracks.
NOTE: For each V CAST Music with Rhapsody track you’ve downloaded to your phone,
you can download a copy to your computer at no additional charge.
• Purchase songs or albums
. Browse the catalog and select the track or album
you wish to purchase.
. Re-enter your password.
. Conrm the purchase and the download will
begin shortly.
V CAST Music with Rhapsody® (Subscription,
Wireless & PC Downloads)
V CAST Music with Rhapsody is a digital music service
that lets you listen to millions of songs from thousands
of artists. Discover new and old favorites in an extensive
music catalog. Download V C
AST Music with Rhapsody
to sync tracks, albums, and playlists to your new
compatible phone, while managing your existing PC
music library all in one place.
Purchase songs on your wireless device*
When you purchase music from your wireless device,
you also get a second copy that can be downloaded to
your PC from the V CAST Music with Rhapsody software.
*Per-song charges apply.
System requirements: Windows Vista or XP
V CAST Music with Rhapsody is compatible with
Windows® XP and Windows Vista™ operating systems.
MAC OS and Linux are not supported.