
Mobile Entertainment
3. Click and drag the desired media from the middle
pane and d
rop it into the right slide pane. The slide
will expand with the selected media. Now you can
add text and/or drag a
nd drop sound into the slide.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for up to 9 slides per message.
4. C
lick the Preview & Send button at the bottom right
corner. The left and center panes will be replaced
with the Preview & Send pane. The slideshow
message will p
lay as it appears when the recipients
receive it on their wireless devices.
5. E
nter a Verizon Wireless number with no spaces, or
enter valid email addresses, separated by commas.
6. C
lick the Send button.
NOTE: Video media can only be sent as a one-slide message and only text can be added
to a Video Message.
Share a gallery with others
1. N
avigate to the gallery you wish to share with others.
2. R
oll your cursor over the gallery you wish to share.
3. C
lick on the Share Album menu item.
4. E
nter up to 10 email addresses of the people you’d
like to view this gallery.
5. C
lick the Share Album button.
NOTE: The shared gallery is only accessible from a PC and can only be viewed by the
recipient(s) you designate.
Apply fun eects
1. G
o to the gallery containing the picture you’d like to
change and click on it.
2. O
nce the picture is in an expanded view, click on the
Fun Eects link.
3. C
lick on the eect(s) of your choice. You can remove
the eect(s) at any time.
4. W
hen you’re satised with the enhanced picture,
click on the Done button.
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Need scores? Need weather? Get that and more with
Text Alerts. Go to vtext.com to sign up. And for more
information, go to verizonwireless.com/getitnow.