National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
ubert H. Humphrey Bldg.
00 Independence Ave., SW
ashington, DC 20201
oice: 1 800 CDC INFO (1 800 232 4636)
nternet: www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/noise/
Drive Responsibly
When behind the wheel, safe driving is your respon-
sibility and i
t should always be your rst priority.
Scientic research on the subject of wireless phone
use and driving has been conducted worldwide for
several years. According to the National Highway
Trac Safety Administration (NHTSA), the available
research indicates that using a wireless phone while
driving degrades a driver’s performance, whether it
is a hands-free or hand-held wireless phone. NHTSA
advises that the “safest course of action is to r
from using a cell phone while driving.” N
policy on “Cell Phone Use W
hile Driving,” as well
as Frequently Asked Questions on the subject, are
available at www.nhtsa.gov (click on “Trac Safety”
then on “Drowsy and Distracted Driving”).
For your well being and the well being of those around
you, you should consider turning your phone o and
allowing calls to go to Voice Mail while you are driving.
If you choose to use your wireless phone while driving,
several ju
risdictions have adopted “hands-free” and
other restrictions on the use of wireless devices while
driving. It is your responsibility to know and to comply
with the law in your area.