File Transfer
File Transfer
This section describes the user tools in the File Transfer menu under System Set-
❖ Delivery Option
Enables or disables sending stored or scanned documents via the ScanRouter
delivery server.
• Primary Delivery Server IPv4 Address
• Secondary Delivery Server IPv4 Address
• Off
Specify this option when selecting whether or not to use the ScanRouter de-
livery software. If you do, you will have to preregister I/O devices in the
ScanRouter delivery software.
❖ Fax RX File Transmission
Specify how to deliver fax files received via the different lines.
•Print at Delivery
Specify whether or not received fax documents sent to the ScanRouter de-
livery software should also be printed at the same time.
• Do not print
• File to Deliver
Specify whether all received fax documents or only received fax docu-
ments that include delivery codes (ID or SUB/SEP codes) are sent to the
ScanRouter delivery software.
• File with Delivery Code
• All Files
• Delivery Failure File
If a received fax document cannot be sent to the ScanRouter delivery soft-
ware, it is stored in memory. To print a stored data, press [Print File], to de-
lete, press [Delete File].
If the machine can send the data to the ScanRouter delivery software, it
does so automatically. If you delete the data, you will not be able to distrib-
ute or print it.
•Print File
• Delete File