
File Transfer
File Transfer
This section describes the user tools in the File Transfer menu under System Set-
Delivery Option
Enables or disables sending stored or scanned documents via the ScanRouter
delivery server.
Primary Delivery Server IPv4 Address
Secondary Delivery Server IPv4 Address
Specify this option when selecting whether or not to use the ScanRouter de-
livery software. If you do, you will have to preregister I/O devices in the
ScanRouter delivery software.
Fax RX File Transmission
Specify how to deliver fax files received via the different lines.
•Print at Delivery
Specify whether or not received fax documents sent to the ScanRouter de-
livery software should also be printed at the same time.
Do not print
File to Deliver
Specify whether all received fax documents or only received fax docu-
ments that include delivery codes (ID or SUB/SEP codes) are sent to the
ScanRouter delivery software.
File with Delivery Code
All Files
Delivery Failure File
If a received fax document cannot be sent to the ScanRouter delivery soft-
ware, it is stored in memory. To print a stored data, press [Print File], to de-
lete, press [Delete File].
If the machine can send the data to the ScanRouter delivery software, it
does so automatically. If you delete the data, you will not be able to distrib-
ute or print it.
•Print File
Delete File