User Tools
Photo Type (Auto) You can select the photo type (Press Print, Glossy Photo, or 2nd
Generation) in Auto Text/Photo mode that is selected auto-
matically just after the machine is turned on or when modes
are cleared.
❒ Default: Press Print
Photo Type (Photo) You can select the photo type (Press Print, Glossy Photo, or 2nd
Generation) in Photo mode that is selected automatically just
after the machine is turned on or when modes are cleared.
❒ Default: Press Print
Copy Reset The machine returns to its initial condition automatically after
your job is finished. The time can be set from 10 to 300 seconds,
or off.
A Select [On] or [Off] with the <> keys.
B When you select [On], enter the time with the number keys.
Then press the [OK] key.
❒ Default: 60 seconds
Max. Copy Q'ty The maximum copy quantity can be set from 1 to 99.
❒ Default: 99
Original Tone The beeper (key tone) sounds when you forgot to remove orig-
inals after copying.
❒ Default: On
❒ When the “Panel Tone” is set to Off, the beeper does not
sound even if the “Original Tone” is set to On.
Margin Adjustment You can adjust the margin width that is selected as a default in
Margin Adjust mode. You can change this setting as follows:
A Select the margin direction with the <> keys.
B Enter the margin width with the number keys. Then press
the [OK] key.
Metric version: left/20mm - right/20mm in 1mm steps
Inch version: left/0.8" - right/0.8" in 0.1" steps
❒ Default:
• Metric version: left/10mm
• Inch version: left/0.4"
Menu Description