
The maximum number of pages that can be stored or transmitted may de-
crease depending on the contents of documents.
Number of LAN-Fax Driver transmission results
you can check from a network computer “Smart-
DeviceMonitor for Admin”, “DeskTopBinder”,
or Web Image Monitor.
70 70
Number of documents sent from a LAN-Fax
Driver that the machine can retain as files to be
400 400
Number of destinations you can register into a
Keystroke Program
500 500
Number of Keystroke Programs you can register 100 100
Number of characters you can enter for a pro-
gram name
20 20
Number of received documents you can store on
the machine's hard disk
400 400
Number of copies that can be made for each doc-
10 10
Number of documents you can print at a time in
[Print / Delete Stored RX File]
30 30
Number of documents you can delete at a time in
[Print / Delete Stored RX File]
30 30
Number of stored documents you can specify at
a time in [Select Stored File]
30 30
Number of stored pages you can send in one op-
eration in [Select Stored File]
1,000 1,000
Number of stored documents you can print at a
time using [Print 1st Page]
30 30
Number of stored documents you can print at a
time using [Print File]
30 30
Number of documents you can store in the Doc-
ument Server using the facsimile function
3,000 3,000
Number of pages per document you can store in
the Document Server
1,000 1,000
Number of pages you can store in the Document
Server (in total – copy function, facsimile func-
tion, printer function, and scanner function) (Us-
ing ITU-T q4 Chart)
Approx. 9,000 Approx. 9,000
Item Standard Expansion memory