Sending Fax Documents from Computers
Installing Individual Applications
You need to install a LAN-Fax Driver on your computer before using the LAN-
Fax functions. The LAN-Fax Driver is on the CD-ROM included with this machine.
Address Book and LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor are installed with the LAN-Fax
Driver. Address Book helps you edit LAN-Fax transmission destinations. LAN-
Fax Cover Sheet Editor helps you edit LAN-Fax cover sheets.
The following explanation assumes that you are familiar with general Windows
procedures and practices. If you are not, see the operating instructions that come
with Windows for details.
Use the following procedure to install LAN-Fax Driver, Address Book, and
LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor at one time.
❒ Before installing the above applications, install SmartDeviceMonitor for Client.
A Quit all applications currently running.
B Insert the CD-ROM included with this machine into the CD-ROM drive of
your computer.
The installer launches automatically, and the language selection window appears.
Depending on your operating system settings, the installer may not launch
automatically. If it does not, double-click “Setup.exe” in the CD-ROM root di-
rectory to launch the installer.
C Select the interface language of the software, and then click [OK].
D Click [LAN-Fax Driver].
The software license agreement window appears.
E Read all of the terms and, if you agree, select [I accept the agreement.], and
then click [Next].
If you select [I don't accept the agreement.], you cannot complete the installation.
F Select the [LAN-Fax Driver] check box, and then click [Next].
G Confirm that the [Printer Name:<LAN-Fax M7>] check box is selected, and then
click [Continue].
Select the desired port.
H Click [Finish].
The installation completion dialog box appears.
I Click [Finish].
J Click [Exit].