Using the DVD Player's Menu System
The Enhancements feature compresses the dynamic range (quietest sound to loudest sound) of a
disc's soundtrack. For example, action scenes t'night be veD" loud, while whispered dialog is
quiet. The Enhancements feature evens out the range of tile volume by making loud sountls
quieter and soft sounds louder. The Enhancenlents feature has three options.
• None - No change to tire range. Sottnd is played as it was recorded on the disc.
• Compressed - The range between loud and soft is smaller.
• Voice+ TM - Increases tire volunle of voices.
To change the Enhancement:
Select the Sound Logic option from the
Sound menu and press OK to toggle
Sound Logic on or off.
1. From the DVD Player's main menu, highlight S(nHId and press OK
(tile Sou_td menu appeal:s).
2 Highlight tile E*zhanceme+tts option and press OK (the
Enhancements options will appear).
3, Press the up/down arrow buttons to select the desired option.
4. Press the left arrow button to return to the Sound menu.
Note: The perJbrmance of the Enhance*nents fi, ature varies
depertdiJTg on the type of equipme*+t you have connected to your
D179 Plai'er atta the audio forntat of the disc you're playiHg.
Chapter 6 81