
Using the DVD Player's Menu System
Editing a Program
Deleting Items from the Playlist
To deh-'t,-' items lrotn tht. playlisl:
i I 2.
To delete an entry from the Program
List, highlight it, then highlight Delete
and press OK.
If tilt.' disc is pktying, press SIOP to +hip p!:tylxtck (lilt' I)VI) play_'r
Main metal appeclrs).
Higidight lJho ' Mode.' and pit.,_,_, ()N (the /Y<O' Mode I/]entl appt:al-+)
1lighlight Edit ]JlTJ_J'atll :Ill'.] piC'SS t)lq (t hc I:)/it/Jrqtemnz st-rl2ell
Ilighlight the ilc'lll in the i}ltl_r:lll/ List }(}tl \\ant t{} dc'lete
Highlight Dek,W.al'ld press Oh2.
X,Vhen yotl are finished iearranghlg the Pr(lgram List, highlight 1)o#w
and press OK.
Inserting Items in the Program List
To insert items into the Program List:
1. If the disc is playing, press STOP to stop playback (the DVD player
main menu appears).
2. Highlight Pie(t/Mode and press OK (the Plr_l,Mode menu appears).
Highlight Edit Program and press OK (the Edit Program screen
Use the left/right arrow keys to move the highlight to the program
list. Use the up/down arrow keys to mark the spot in the Program
List where you want to insert an item (the inserted item will be
placed bqlbre the highlighted item).
5. Highlight the Chapter/Track/Standard Playlist box and use the up/
down arrows or tim nuinber buttons on the remote to enter the item
you want to play first.
6. Highlight Insert and press OK.
7. When you are finished rearranging the Prograln List, highlight Done
and press OK.
70 Chapter 6