Playing Audio CDs
Selecting a Play Mode
TilL, ft. :IL'L' IhI'L'L' I)Dti(_i/n:
St;llldard: tl/u. tl:l_.'l.;., pl:t_ in Ill,.. _rch..i INu.cl <m tilt+ t_l ) (st:illJl/_., \\ ith Itac b. l/
Random: fl_u t_;tt ks on ill,.' _.:1) pLt\ in r:md_,m <,tdc'_.
I_lo_r;in/ li_t ill the" Ph O' Uode mu>nu ot thv 1)\ I) PLl_'r s m;lm mu'nu
_l;ll_ditld (!hu, I)l¢[u.r lislu,_! ()ll Ihu' 111)1 in lilL" _]_'!,_ull nu'ltil!_ l_lt _lll l_l;I\c'I 'I'<>cl_;m_' thu'
dvl:mh St'triLlS:
i l>t_.'>,s INF() <m thL+iu'tn_+tc' (+t tl_c' lumt t,t ihL +l+lay<_+r '+,+hilt' it di _-, is i+Lt\ ]n_ the' Inlo
I)inp+:; S :q+pc'+n_
2 l li_hliRht [i_C /_/_(l 1 'II_I_" i_<>_I "1']IC' U_I_i_'_It l+l;t)' Int>dt: aI+I+-+';U'S in th,J t('xI l)<)x und<:rnc.ath thL>
k_ms Press thu ttl)'do\\ n ;nix>\\ huttoi] ,+,to _,LII>II thli)tigh the pi;t) m<+dv ch_,icu'+ unti! play
n'_)d,..+ you ",>,ant al'>l+,Uar.s in the tuxt I+(+x ['h+ tiacks on the CI) \\ ill tit)x\ pl_l_ ill their ordct.
Note: _I7+_]_l_Y_+_s _ _+_J_(i_++_¢`_ _]+_H_V_(_Y V_I_ _)_ _ ll(+ll (.']) lll/(J l'(Jlll" ])[(I)'t+l .
Using the Program Play Feature
lo u_,'.: thL+ PrcLgr_im P!_iyb_tc')-: {L'attii'_'. '_cltt niti'.t t.,ntu.r IhL+ ()rd,:r in ,,\ l]i_h _+ott \',ant tl]L, tr_tc-k:4 on
lhu CI) to pluy by cic_tting u pzo_rtm_ li_t '!hi_ is d(>n_" from the_ l)\ I) pla_cr_ m_'nu
1 It tixu cli:_c is pl:iyin_, pru, ss _q'I'()P t<> -,t_>l', l+l;t_+butcl,: ith,. +i)\'l) l>IztyL,I re;tin I))L'I)LI :t!}pt_tn'S).
2. I lighlight P/(()' Mode _illcl i)tL+ss Olx (the /J/a "Mode tllcntl :il_l)C.:lts)
3. Highlight tTdll t>mtc_r(llt# :incl prc'ss ()i _. I lhL' lfdit P +gqr_t screen
_lp|)e_iis )
program List
"['he 7)Ylck box is highlightL.cl, t'sc >the t]uml'_L+r bcittOilS on the remote
to c'lllc'r Iht" tt;ic'k you \\':iill t() pl;iy lirsl "l'tac [i:ick nttlill+_t:r you
t.+lltc'rt'_.l ;ippc';tlS i11the 77"+H.]¢I)o× ;Incl thu t'tlrsor highlights Add.
PL't'S_,()1_+tO ;trio! their tiac'],; t_) the' /'++tqr+tm Li,+L Thc+ tUl'Sor lumps to
th_ i_L.×t v.]_ot in tl_ lh' _RsYl/i [i_t _,_c' i ] _|;ikt_ _urc' thL. 7)_+'c_box is
highlighted atlCl enter ),()tit next tr:lc'k
This it where the two lines of conttxl sensitive help
will bs located¸
Use the Edit Program screen to create
your own program list.
Cot]tintlc, acldin<<4 trctckx ;is c+xpl;iillc+d ill _,tC+l]S +t-_, Lli]til yol.ir pix)giam
is col]]pll+'[c. Y()IA C_tll plcly )'(>tit" I'll'o_t';tM t_)' hi_hlightin_ I-V_O'and
l]rc"+Mn7 ()K, ()t+ _,()tl t'clll s{i\l.' tilt + pi'()_l';ll/I I+) hiThlighiin+4 I)oll¢ _and
pi+t+_'>_';il]_ ()l_ I1" )t>\i ++;i;C+ the' pi'o+12>lCllil _,'Otl C;ll_ xc'lc'tt it h'oill thv lt]t])
l)b, pl;ly TheJ !+tt)_l:tll_ ,,_i!1 I)t' u'r;i',c'c! \\l/C+ll Vtltl rc'l//i)t m the+disc l'ronl
the + pl;tyc'i (+i the J pl:t)c'l i<4ltill/c't] <>11
Chapter 3 45